
理事長 調 漸(しらべ すすむ)
今後とも長崎市との連携のもと、被爆体験の継承、平和の推進 及び国際交流・協力の促進を図り、世界の平和と核兵器廃絶のために、私たち一人一人が平和について考え、行動する「平和の文化」を市民社会に根付かせていくための取り組みを進め、平和のネットワークを広げていきたいと考えていますので、皆様のご支援・ご協力を引き続きいただきますよう、よろしくお願い申し上げます。
A Message from the Chairman

Chairman Susumu Shirabe
Allow me to offer my heartfelt gratitude for the tremendous understanding and support that the Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace receives on a regular basis for our peace-related projects.
Our foundation works with Nagasaki City on a wide variety of peace-related projects, including lectures by atomic bombing survivors and guided tours of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum and bombing-related sites for students from Nagasaki City and across Japan. We are also entrusted by the government of Japan to manage operations at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims and conduct projects carried out by those of succeeding generations, such as the storyteller project for telling the atomic bombing experiences of relatives and acquaintances. We thereby work to fulfil the earnest wishes of the citizens of Nagasaki for the abolishment of nuclear weapons and the realization of eternal peace. Tensions have been increasing around the world since Russia began its military invasion of Ukraine on February 4, 2022, and the risk of nuclear weapons being used is now more real than ever before. This amounts to trampling on the feelings of the atomic bombing survivors who have continually pleaded that Nagasaki be the last place on earth to suffer an atomic bombing, as well as those of the citizens of Nagasaki and each and every person who sincerely wishes for peace.
Our foundation strongly criticizes this military invasion and firmly calls for the exploration of ways to bring about a peaceful resolution through dialogue and diplomacy. Towards this end, we have posted the thoughts of seventeen atomic bombing survivors who belong to the foundation’s Inheritance Committee on our Instagram page. This February, we held The Charity Concert in Support of Ukraine – Peace from Nagasaki with cooperation from related organizations. The money raised at this event was then donated to students at Nagasaki University who evacuated from Ukraine.
We plan to continue working with Nagasaki City for world peace and the abolishment of nuclear weapons by passing on the stories of the atomic bombing survivors, promoting peace and conducting efforts for international exchange and cooperation. We will also make further efforts to expand our network of peace and establish a culture of peace in civic society in which each and every person thinks and acts with peace in mind. I thank you all very much and ask for your continued support and cooperation.
April, 2023